Sunday, February 24, 2008

Drift 1

My Drift 1 experience essentially involved me walking in a circle. Since I walked past the freeway and National Avenue (a fairly major road) I gathered many different car sounds and other natural craziness. The interesting thing about the car sounds is that they are all different in their mechanics and are never repetitive. Enjoy...


If you've never been under a freeway overpass right up at the wedge where the ground meets the road, I can only describe it as being interesting and incredibly terrifying at the same time. Cars are whizzing above you at 65+ mph and the only protection you have is a few feet of concrete. The fear of collapse was all around me so I quickly got out of there. It was quite loud so I had to turn down the sensitivity; however, the sound is excellent. Enjoy.

Listen here.

Electric Box

Cruising down Edgewood Avenue noticed a rather large green electric box near the entrance of a new subdivision. I passed a few before but they unfortunately generated no sound; however, delivered splendidly. I tried capturing from all four sides but the wind was somewhat unforgiving. This is my most interesting of the sounds I gathered here.

Listen here.


Here is an excellent example of the stereo capabilities of these mics. In the middle of the long and straight Edgewood Avenue I noticed a lone car heading my way from the west - a perfect opportunity to get a drive-by clip. I'm sure it looked rather odd, me standing there holding out two wires with white pieces of cloth hanging off them, but the clip speaks for itself. The car was traveling at 45+ mph, but notice how long you're able to hear the subtle details of the rolling tires as it gets farther and farther away.

Listen here.

Hidden Radio

This is a rather unique sound. As I walked down National Avenue there was a man doing roofing work with radio accompaniment. It was rather loud but repeatedly drowned out by speeding traffic. Only as cars pass does the radio peak rise again. Towards the beginning you may notice a few hammer hits.

Listen here.

Plane and Birds

Nearing the end of my walk I was treated to the serene mixture of an airplane and a couple birds - rather soothing after the chaos of the open road. The ambient sound of the plane could be interpreted as either the focus or background of the clip. Ironically, this clip sounds quite similar to an ambient track I generated with a synthesizer. This is my favorite of all my sounds.

Listen here.